
A vent free firebox is the perfect way to display and operate your vent free log set.


vent free gas fireplace

Monessen Lo-Rider Designer

Vent Free Firebox

The Lo-Rider Designer vent free firebox is available as a see-through model, adding style and warmth to multiple rooms while maintaining a contemporary feel. The louverless design provides a clean exterior for an ultra sleek look.

Lo-Rider web images

Monessen Lo-Rider

Vent Free Firebox

With a beautiful Monessen vent-free log set, hideaway screens and a choice of liners and add-ons, the Lo-Rider fits any style of room.

Attribute Operable Doors web pages

Monessen Attribute

Vent Free Firebox

Choose from trendy gray, classic brown or a modern reflective black glass for your interior. Finish it clean to the firebox and add a beautiful Monessen log set.

Exacta web image

Monessen Exacta

Vent Free Firebox

Combined with a Monessen vent-free log set, the Exacta firebox supplies warmth and ambiance practically anywhere.